Florida Gulfside Baseball Academy | Preseason Evaluation Camp & Try out details

Preseason Evaluation Camp & Try out details

by Connor on

Hello families!


  What an exciting time to be apart of Gulfside Baseball. We will sharing the details for the upcoming week of camp as well as the try outs. 

Pre-season Eval Camp 

1. It will be awesome way to give coaches and players a head start to build relationships as well as forecast potiential roster spots for this upcoming season.

2. WHEN: Arrival (9am) Pick up (12pm)

3. No lunch.

4. Wear all baseball gear.

5. Days: MONDAY- FRIDAY (everyday)

6. WHERE: Seacrest Country Day School



August 2nd


4pm: Ages 10u arrive.

5pm: Ages 11u & 12u arrive. 10u, 11u, 12u parent meeting

6:30pm: 13u & 14u players arrive 


LOCATION: Seacrest Country Day School (BIG FIELD for all ages)


* This schedule will be repeated for all days.*

Friday will ONLY be used for a rain day if needed. 

¿Questions? call 412-400-9725

Thank you,

Gulfside Baseball



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